
Mostrando entradas de 2018

Cambios en los flujos migratorios

Cambios en los flujos migratorios El desarrollo de la Revolución Industrial dio origen al mayor proceso migratorio de toda la historia que no ha terminado aún, sino que está tomando nuevas formas: el llamado éxodo rural, que involucró a miles de millones de campesinos en todo el mundo que fueron dando origen, a su vez, al crecimiento descontrolado y excesivo de ciudades enormes. La Gran Emigración europea (1800-1950). Relacionado con el éxodo rural desde comienzos del siglo XIX y durante casi un siglo y medio, millones de europeos pobres emigraron principalmente hacia América y Australia. Simultáneamente, América recibió grandes cantidades de inmigrantes provenientes del Medio Oriente. A partir de 1950 en adelante se ha venido desarrollando un proceso emigratorio de dimensiones incalculables en los países del tercer mundo, especialmente en los más poblados. También relacionado con el éxodo rural, que en el tercer mundo comenzó después que en Europa, millones de personas de los p...

Oppression and Intersectionality

https://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/8/4/1116867/-Oppression-and-Intersectionality Being oppressed is a struggle that many groups in society face on a daily basis, whether it be racial discrimination because one is Latino or being paid only 70% of what a man makes. Yet, oppression becomes even greater and more complex when one includes intersectionality which is how social, economic, and other categories overlap and intersect in a greater framework of oppression. Rather than discussing this matter from an ‘objective’ standpoint and using examples which one can easily distance themselves from, I will examine oppression and intersectionality using actual people. I am a gay black man. At first glance, one might think that while I am oppressed due to my sexuality, that I benefit from male privilege because the United States is a patriarchal society. However, this is where intersectionality comes into play. Ordinarily, in a patriarchal society all males benefit from male privilege, ye...

Boas, Language and Cultural Relativism

(From:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Boas) Franz Uri Boas  ( / ˈ b o ʊ æ z / ; German:  [ˈboːas] ; July 9, 1858 – December 21, 1942) [1]  was a German-American [2]  anthropologist and a pioneer of modern  anthropology  who has been called the "Father of American Anthropology". [3] [4]  His work is associated with the movement of  anthropological historicism . [5] Boas was one of the most prominent opponents of the then-popular ideologies of  scientific racism , the idea that  race  is a biological concept and that human behavior is best understood through the typology of biological characteristics. [7]  In a series of groundbreaking studies of skeletal anatomy he showed that cranial shape and size was highly malleable depending on environmental factors such as health and nutrition, in contrast to the claims by racial anthropologists of the day that held head shape to be a stable racial trait. Boas al...

Of Dialects, Armies and Navies

Languages, Dialects, Pidgins and Creoles BARRY PENNOCK-SPECK Published:  10.08.2011,  Updated:  04.03.2017  One of the greatest differences between a language and a dialect 1  in most people’s minds is that the former is bigger than the latter both with regard to the area it covers and the people who speak it. In other words, languages are perceived to include several dialects. On this view, the English language would include the varieties spoken in Edinburgh, Newcastle, New York, Atlanta, Sydney, Wellington, Jamaica, etc. Language and Dialect When we use the term  the English language , what normally comes to mind is  Standard English . Standard languages are seen to have greater prestige than a dialect. Part of this prestige is due to the fact that they have a written code while a dialect does not. So when we talk about German, French, Norwegian, Chinese, Russian, etc. we are actually referring to the standard versions of these languages. ...

La Lengua de las mariposas [Película completa] – gloria.tv



Aquí está el link a los materiales audiovisuales necesarios para la realización del TP. Perdón por la demora. ( no olviden descargar los subtítulos) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-39IwoaYpqJbEhfYVFiU1c1TkU

La Comprensión del Sentido en Weber, Por Alejandro Noboa

Descargar el texto seleccionado aquí  o ver el texto en su contexto original en el enlace a continuación:  http://www.unorte.edu.uy/sites/default/files/ficha%20cualitativa.pdf  (páginas 5 a 9)

Lecture Notes on Emile Durkheim and his Elementary Forms Of Religious Life

Historical context of Durkheim's sociology   • Political instability of the Fren ch republic in the late 19th century: rising working-class militancy; threat of right-wing coup to reassert the power of the military, church, and aristocracy. Struggle for control over education between church and secular forces. Search for political stability preoccupies middle-class intellectuals like Durkheim. • Durkheim was instrumental in establishing sociology as a discipline; became the first chair of sociology and established the first sociology jour nal. Much of his writing was preoccupied with emphasizing the value of the new discipline of sociology as compared with more established disciplines like economics, psychology, or philosophy. General features of Durkheim's sociology   • Positivism: treats the natural sciences as the mode l for the social scie nces; goal of sociology is objective study of "social facts." Positivism distinguishes sociology from philosophy. ...